This master planning exercise is an investigation into urban intensification. It explores proposals for the development of the area surrounding Toronto's distillery district, a vibrant pedestrian borough that is somewhat isolated from the downtown core. Central to the proposal is a new type of cultural shopping center: the Kultur Kafhaus. Our approach attempts to integrate these urban spaces within the speculative context of surrounding development proposals.
Our approach encompasses not only with the existing urban context but places itself at the center of three other development proposals slated to take place over the next decade. Our project positions itself as a central hub providing crucial linkages with these developments and the downtown core. We attempt to achieve this my establishing new retail and pedestrian corridors that connect the downtown core with crucial arteries in the proposed master plans as well as strategically bridging existing infrastructural barriers such as the Gardiner Expressway and adjacent railway through the use of boardwalks and extending an inlet from Lake Ontario past these barriers.